Thursday Thoughts: Should We Start the Holidays Early?

Posted by Heather Galt & filed under Thursday Thoughts.

Are you feeling exhausted right now? There are a lot of very good reasons for that – 2020 has been an exhausting year! As we head into colder weather, shorter days, and more time indoors, it’s hard to feel excited about much. For some people, decorating early for the holidays can provide a bit of… Read more »

Thursday Thoughts: Life Reno

Posted by Edyta Pacuk & filed under Thursday Thoughts.

I love this quote: “Instead of wondering when your next vacation is, maybe you should set up a life you don’t need to escape from.”  Seth Godin Today, going on fabulous world trips is not in the cards and many people are doing home renovation projects. Gardens are more beautiful than ever, and outdoor heaters… Read more »

Thursday Thoughts: Compassionate Leadership

Posted by Edyta Pacuk & filed under Leadership, Thursday Thoughts.

In addition to our regular blog posts, we are starting to share with you our “Thursday Thoughts”. Periodically, on a Thursday, we will post a short piece on a topic that has been on our mind. As always, we are keen to discuss. Thursday Thoughts: Compassionate Leadership A compassionate leader is able to balance the… Read more »

Managing and Courting Conflict in Teams and Virtual Teams

Posted by Maria Milanetti and MarchFifteen & filed under Leadership, Organizational Psychology.

Some conflict in teams is inevitable and, in fact, can be healthy. When we have different values as individuals, communication becomes paramount so that we can understand where conflicts can arise. As noted by Gretchen Rubin, author of The Happiness Project, the more we really get to know people, the better we get along. Familiarity… Read more »

Let’s stop “shoulding”​ on each other – A Guest Blog by Kevin McKenzie

Posted by MarchFifteen & filed under Positive Psychology at Work.

We are pleased to share an article by MarchFifteen’s friend, Senior Advisory Partner at EY, Kevin McKenzie, whose common sense and insight is always refreshing and meaningful.  Kevin astutely observes the emotionality of people during difficult times, and how they might respond when “shoulded”. A great piece, and a useful addition to our toolbox on how to operate… Read more »

The ART of Promoting a Mentally Healthy Workplace – A Guest Blog by Suzanne Killick

Posted by MarchFifteen & filed under Positive Psychology at Work.

“I broke my leg!” Sally called in this morning and shared her news with Barb, her manager. Barb was sympathetic and offered assistance with organizing Sally’s sick time. She let Sally’s team know and they were understanding and quickly planned to send flowers and a card. Barb worked with the team to help reorganize their… Read more »

COVID-19 Virtual (Just-in-time) Coaching

Posted by MarchFifteen & filed under Announcements.

As we all continue to work through this crisis, MarchFifteen is acutely aware of the extra pressures placed on managers. We are implementing a temporary coaching offer to help managers – and thus your teams – deal with: The anxiety around the current state of ambiguity and uncertainty. Their own stress and the stress of… Read more »

Kurt Hahn’s Five Pillars

Posted by MarchFifteen & filed under Reflection.

As many of you know, Outward Bound is an organization that is close to MarchFifteen’s heart. We are deeply connected to their mission to cultivate resilience, leadership, connections and compassion through inspiring and challenging journeys of self-discovery. Their simple philosophy of “there is more in you than you think” is especially applicable in trying times like… Read more »

Connectedness and Community

Posted by Craig Weaver and Maria Milanetti & filed under Reflection.

Connectedness and community are the materials of our social fabric as human beings. We all need a degree of these things, some of us needing more than others. In this time of disruption, we thought this topic might be more relevant than ever. In order to curb the spread of COVID-19, many governments and regional… Read more »