Posts Tagged: management

The Epidemic of Managing without Soul – A Guest Blog by Henry Mintzberg

Posted by MarchFifteen & filed under Leadership, Positive Psychology at Work.

From globally recognized Thought Leader in organizational management, Henry Mintzberg, we are excited to share with you a guest blog on organizations with and without “soul”. Through his professional and anecdotal experience, Mintzberg posits that excellence, warmth and everything that makes up your core can be felt and experienced in organizations, just as it can… Read more »

What Is Emotional Intelligence and How Can It Be Improved?

Posted by Maria Milanetti & filed under Family and Independent Business, Leadership Development, Organizational Psychology.

At MarchFifteen we facilitate Emotional Intelligence sessions within organizations and find this a fascinating topic to share with clients. I was very inspired while doing EQ/EI research to come across a Harvard Business Review Blog. It reinforced that it is possible to shift an individual, a team and an entire organization towards a higher awareness… Read more »

Decision Making: It’s not what you think (Part 3) – A Guest Blog by Henry Mintzberg

Posted by MarchFifteen & filed under Leadership Development.

Following is the third and final excerpt of the themed topic discussion workbook on Decision Making: It’s not what you think.  This new format for developing leaders and managers by Henry Mintzberg and Phil LeNir is based on the 70:20:10 framework. There are no lectures, no disconnect from the workplace, just group of managers developing… Read more »

Decision Making: It’s not what you think (Part 2) – A Guest Blog by Henry Mintzberg

Posted by MarchFifteen & filed under Leadership Development.

Following is the second excerpt of the themed discussion on Decision Making: It’s not what you think.  This new format for developing leaders and managers by Henry Mintzberg and Phil Le Nir is based on the 70;20;10 framework. There are no lectures, no disconnect from the workplace, just groups of managers developing together during 90… Read more »

Decision Making: It’s not what you think (Part 1) – A Guest Blog by Henry Mintzberg

Posted by MarchFifteen & filed under Leadership Development.

You all know how proud we are of our partnership with CoachingOurselves. We strongly believe in the intellectual stimulus combined with practicality its learning methodology provides to our community of clients. The following three blogs (posted weekly) showcase Henry Mintzberg’s perspectives on the “burden” each of us managers carry, requiring critical judgment and courage: decision… Read more »

The Power of Influence – Building Enduring Business for a World of Constant Change: Part II – The Primary Ingredients of Influence

Posted by Maria Milanetti & filed under Organizational Psychology.

At MarchFifteen, we are fascinated by business literature on leadership and influence.  It is our role to have the most current business knowledge and awareness to best help you every day of the week. We recognize that there are many things that create influential leaders, and part two of this blog consists of a set… Read more »

What Is Team Alignment?

Posted by Martine Sanscartier & filed under Organizational Psychology.

A management team is not much different than a hockey team. An aligned management team has a common vision, with clear business priorities that members are committed to. There is clarity of each other’s roles and responsibilities, authorities and decision-making lines are understood and success is clearly defined. Conflicts are dealt with in an open constructive manner and group norms are established for working together.