Posts Tagged: development

Welcoming the New Year

Posted by Edyta Pacuk & filed under Business, Reflection.

January 4th, 2019. Our first week in the office. A perfect time to be grateful for what 2018 brought to our lives and reflect on what is coming in 2019. 2018 was a testimonial to the fact that we do live in the VUCA (Volatile, Uncertain, Complex and Ambiguous) world. You see it practically everywhere… Read more »

Critical Thinking and Potential for Development

Posted by Martine Sanscartier & filed under Leadership Development.

When assessing potential, our clients often ask us “How quickly can the individual grow into the role?”, or “Can this competency be easily developed?”, and my response usually highlights that it depends on how committed the leader is to changing current behaviours and developing new ones. While I still wholeheartedly agree with this statement, I… Read more »

PwC 19th Annual Global CEO Survey

Posted by Edyta Pacuk & filed under Leadership.

PwC has recently published their 19th Annual Global CEO Survey. We are grateful to have obtained permission from PwC to share it with you. Especially since the results are fascinating! Just a preview… CEOs today are less confident about global economic and business growth prospects in these uncertain times. Only 35% of the surveyed Executives… Read more »

Climbing Your Next Mountain

Posted by Karen Wright & filed under Leadership Development.

Entering into the as-yet-unsullied space of a new year, we are surrounded by invitations to set goals, start new ventures, make big changes and generally transform our lives. Which all sounds great, until about the middle of January at which point we realize that we haven’t set ourselves up for success, and we’ve lapsed back… Read more »

The Gift of Feedback

Posted by Maria Milanetti & filed under Organizational Psychology.

How we see ourselves, as well as the ways in which we choose to develop, are often greatly influenced by others. If we reflect on our lives, our choices, it is easy to see how the awareness of how we have impacted others greatly influences the person we have become. It is this ongoing ebb… Read more »

Leading in 2015 and Beyond – MarchFifteen Evolves Its Leadership Assessment Framework

Posted by Martine Sanscartier & filed under Announcements, Leadership, Leadership Assessment.

As businesses are moving towards more global outreach and virtual teams over international locations, the ability to deal with complexity and ambiguity, maintain a strategic perspective, foster engagement, and understand and respect cultural diversity, become key factors for success. Last July, Edyta posted her blog discussing the competencies global Leaders need to succeed. The research… Read more »

My Life as an Imposter – A Guest Blog by Janet Morrison

Posted by MarchFifteen & filed under Leadership Development, Reflection.

We are pleased to have Janet Morrison, Vice-Provost, Students at York University, write a guest blog for us on the “Imposter Syndrome”. Janet shares her experiences with this “imposterism” phenomenon.  She tells us the story of how she has been able to accomplish her goals, despite at times having to work through and use “the… Read more »